Healing power of the spices
Ginger is called ‘vishvabheshaja’ - universal medicine. Works on digestive and respiratory systems. Useful to treat a cough, asthma, bronchitis, allergies, congestions. Relieves abdominal cramps, and indigestion. Improve digestion and metabolic processes. Also good for arthritic conditions. Local application of dry ginger paste used for sinus headaches and painful joints (except for burning sensation and redness).
Cardamom is the safest digestive stimulant. Works on digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems. Detoxifies caffeine in coffee. Improves digestion, helps stop vomiting, and belching, and relieves colic. Works as an appetizer, deodorant, digestive. Has expectorant property therefore useful in cough, asthma.
Basil (especially Holy Basil, Tulsi) acts mainly on the respiratory system. It is an effective expectorant, therefore, useful for a productive cough. Removes excess mucus from the lungs and nasal passages. Works for colds, sinus congestion, and headaches. Has antibacterial properties. Stimulates digestion.
Black pepper is called Marich in Sanskrit, the name for the sun. It works mainly on respiratory, digestive, and circulatory systems. Helps to reverse sluggishness and reduce mucus secretion. It's a powerful appetite and circulatory stimulant. Useful in loss of appetite, indigestion, sluggishness.
Pippali called Chapala (giving instant action). It works on the digestive, respiratory, and reproductive systems. Improves appetite and metabolism, helps to clean the body from toxins. Useful in colic, indigestion, liver and spleen disorders (enlargement of the liver). Has expectorant action. Beneficial for treating bronchitis, asthma, laryngitis, and productive cough. It's used as a tonic in tuberculosis. Works as an aphrodisiac reduces seminal debility. Useful in painful labor.
Cumin is stimulant, carminative, diuretic. It counters gas, aids in digestion, and is good for the effects of overeating. Used while cooking helps to decrease the effect of heavy foods. Good for abdominal pain and distention.
Coriander is a stimulant, diaphoretic, diuretic, and alternative. It is good for colds, fever, flu, skin rashes, a toxic blood condition. It helps with the burning sensation, cleans the liver, good for digestion and hyperacidity. Coriander improves vision and is good for an eye infection. Useful in digestive disorders and urinary problems.
Fennel is an excellent herb for digestion, the most balanced of all spices. It is stimulant, carminative, antispasmodic and lactagogue. Fennel is good for abdominal pain, indigestion, and menstrual cramps. It helps in diarrhea, colic, vomiting, nausea, anorexia, and urinary problems.